Wednesday, June 3, 2015

1st Quarter 2014-2015

We began our new school year on August 18. Since we had done some summer school to finish up our history, I decided to start slow. The first week we just did Bible and math. The second week we added in language arts. The next week included science and by the fourth week we were doing history also. This may start us out a little behind, but I know we can catch up where needed. I wasn't ready to start school, to be honest, so easing into a full load helped us adjust to the new school year

We hadn't finished our studies in Genesis for Bible, so we began the year by finishing up our book on Joseph. By the fifth week of the quarter we were starting Daniel and by the end we had made it to chapter 5. What stood out to us the most was Daniel's character. From the beginning of his captivity in Babylon, he, like Joseph, showed faith, integrity, courage, humility, and self-discipline. We look forward to studying more about his dreams and visions and what they mean for the future.

Josh's first book study was on "The Boxcar Children" and Ellie's was on "Carry On, Mr. Bowditch". They both enjoyed the books as did I. Ellie's bigger unit in language arts covered similes, personification, poetry and prose. She wrote several pieces of each to show she understood the difference. Josh did a unit on journal writing and writing letters.

Math is still not Ellie's favorite subject, but she is understanding it much better now. She earned an A- for the quarter. Math is Josh's favorite subject and he understands it easily. It's rare that he misses any math problems and if he does it is only one or two. Both of them reviewed some familiar material and now are working on new skills. Josh is using multiplication much more and Ellie is working a lot with fractions.

We are studying land animals in science this year. During the first quarter we read and discussed the fact that all animal species came from the two "kinds" that were put on the ark with Noah. God gave them the ability to change over time to fit their surroundings. We read about the relationship of predators and prey and how scientists study animals. Our animal study began with learning about the characteristics of carnivorous animals. From there we learned about family Canidae which is the dog family. We then moved to family Ursidae which is the bear family followed by family Mustelidae which is the weasel family. I really like the "creation confirmations" the text includes. These serve as reminders that science does not contradict a divine Creator of life.

History had us learning about Pentecost followed by Paul. Next we read about Nero, Martyrs of the early church and Josephus. We ended the quarter by learning about Masada, the Dead Sea Scrolls and the buried city of Pompeii. This history curriculum is so interesting to me and the activities help the kids enjoy the subject more.

Elli began her third volleyball season with CYAA in September. Dennis is the team coach. I am the team mom. Ellie's friend is on the team and her brother has flag football practice at the same time at the same park, so Josh looks forward to seeing his buddy. The girls are growing in their skills and we parents enjoy watching them.

Ellie and Dennis also continue to help with worship for children's ministry during 3rd service each week. They often go out to lunch after church which gives them some one-on-one time together. Josh and I enjoy our time together while they are gone.

Our field trips this quarter included the L.A. County Fair, the Aquarium of the Pacific, and the San Diego Safari Park. We have done these every year since homeschooling with our PSP. We look forward to them each time.

And new this year - I have taken on teaching a Friday school class every-other-week for our homeschool group. An opening came available to teach fourth grade, so I am doing a survey of California history. It reminds me very much of my first year of teaching - a 4th grade class made up of mostly boys! Oh, how I forgot what 4th grade boys are like! After a rough time the first two weeks, I've adjusted my expectations and I have a fellow 4th grade mom helping me. The class is going better and I have gotten some positive feedback from parents, so I feel good about the class. Josh is in my class, which he doesn't seem to mind and Ellie is rotating among science, art and P.E.

We are off to a good start and I am looking forward to the rest of the year.

First day of 4th grade
 First day of 6th grade
L.A. County Fair 2014

Aquarium of the Pacific 2014

Volleyball 2014

San Diego Safari Park 2014

Practicing guitars

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