Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Letter to my 2nd Grade Boy

A letter to my son at the close of his 2nd grade year. . .

Dear Josh,

Since you are not in a school where you will receive awards at the end of the year, I thought you might like to know what I think you deserve to be rewarded for.

You have been reading since you were 4 and you read books well above your grade level. You well deserve recognition for your reading as you read a couple of dozen books a month. We have read together since you were a baby and I have enjoyed sharing the first book of several series with you and then see you take off reading the rest on your own. We have enjoyed the adventures of Jack and Annie in their tree house, the sleuthing abilities of Encyclopedia Brown, the mishap mysteries and quests of Geronimo Stilton, the writings of Freddy, the golden hamster, and the life of Hiccup, the dragon-loving Viking. Next year we will be reading many more great books together instead of the readers that are too easy for you and not all that interesting. And we cannot forget that you remember just about everything you read because you tell us over and over! This is a good skill and I am so glad that you have it and hope you will continue to develop it.

You have begun to be quite a writer. You have done well with writing paragraphs on things you have been learning in history. Your stories for our family newspapers have been well-written. And I love that you are expressing your creativity by writing your own story. This skill will help you in college.

There are always things in which we can improve and for you this has been penmanship. We started slow with cursive writing and it has not been something you enjoyed in the beginning. But this year you have improved in this skill tremendously! Your writing is wonderful and I am so proud of your diligence.

You have a lot of creativity. I can’t recall how many mornings you have come in while I am barely awake to show me your latest Lego creation. I love how you take what we are learning and make up something on your own - like the constellation picture of us that you made me for Mother’s Day. I enjoy your comic strips and the fun we have creating pictures together. You often say that you cannot draw, but your drawings are getting better and I like that you continue to work at it. Keep expressing yourself!

You just got a bike. You struggled with it the first couple of times and you have MANY bruises on your legs, but you persisted and now can ride it just fine. I am so excited that we can now go on family bike rides together this summer. Good job sticking with it. Let this be a reminder to you not to give up when something is difficult. I also have to recognize you for starting to exercise on the Wii Fit. It is important to be active and this is a good start. I hope you will continue to live an active lifestyle.

One of the things I REALLY appreciate about you is how willingly you do your chores. You do them without being asked most of the time and they are done with a joyful attitude. I often see you helping your sister and allowing her to have her preference with activities you do together. You are willing to share what you have with others. I have seen you assist others when we are out shopping. I hope you will always follow Philippians 2:3-5.

Josh, you have such a tender spirit; and I know that I sometimes wound you by a harsh tone or word. I thank you for being so forgiving and know that I am working on this. It is such a joy to be your mom and teacher. Good job this year, Son. I love you!

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