Wednesday, June 3, 2015

A Guide to Homeschool Parents

I really liked the following post by Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers titled the "Public School Parents' Guide to Homeschool Parents".

 #1 is so true. I fully believe that if God calls you to something He will equip you for it. Some people are naturally patient, others are not. But whether our kids are in school or homeschooled, we still need to grow in our patience with our children, otherwise we run the risk of "exasperating them" which we are commanded NOT to do. There are days I completely blow it with my kids. I get irritated, I speak in a harsh tone, and sometimes I even yell. I am a work in progress in regards to being patient, but what better way to grow in this area than to put myself in a situation daily where I have to be!

#4 is also one I agree with. Our kids all have their own strengths and weaknesses and one is not "smarter" just because he/she is homeschooled just as one is not better educated because they attend a public or private school noted for its academic excellence. Kids who are being schooled in a way that best fits their needs will receive the best education for them no matter where that is.

I especially agree with #5. Our daughter was in Christian school up until 2nd grade. I often found myself defending my choice with my homeschool friends. Now the shoe is on the other foot. When I first began, I did with a prideful attitude over others who could be homeschooling but were choosing not to. Thankfully, the Lord has taken me off my high-horse. In one particular case, I have felt that my choice is seen as a judgement; but that has not been the case with this particular individual. The Lord has shown me that we are simply doing what He has led OUR family to do. He will lead others to make other choices. It's all good if each family is seeking and following the Lord's will.

#6 is absolutely true. While we are not a fan of the public school system and do not desire our children to be schooled there, I have great respect for public school teachers, especially Christian ones who are doing their best to make a difference.

The public school system is currently facing some challenging things - the introduction of the Common Core curriculum and gender laws. My husband and I just signed a petition this morning regarding AB1266. Even though our children are not in the public school system, we still want to support our friends and family who do have their kids there. I believe that homeschooling is going to come under attack by our government in the very near future. Just as we support our public school friends and family, I hope that they will join us in defending our rights to educate our children the way we feel best suits our children and family.

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