Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Letter to my 4th Grade Girl

A letter to my daughter at the close of her 4th grade year. . .

Dear Ellie,

Since you are not in a school where you will receive awards at the end of the year, I thought you might like to know what I think you deserve to be rewarded for.

First, I would reward you for reading. You read at least two dozen books every two weeks - maybe more. And not only do you read well, but you remember what you read. We have shared some good books this year. We will always remember Karana’s courage, Zia’s persistence, Carlota’s independence, Patty Reed’s endurance, as well as the sense of responsibility of Jack and the good character of Praiseworthy. I look forward to the many good books we will read together next year. Reading will keep your imagination alive as well as teach you many new things. I hope you will always love to read.

Another area you excel at is in writing. You are able to take your own ideas or information you have gathered from reading and put them into good paragraphs. Your book summaries are excellent. This skill will benefit you greatly in college.

There are always most improved awards. You deserve one for your work in math. This is not your favorite subject; but you have overcome each difficult concept (those that you thought were impossible and that you would NEVER understand) and now work those problems out with consistent accuracy. Great work, Honey. I am so proud of you!

You abound with creativity and many of your drawings and art projects deserve to be recognized. We have so many notebooks and folders of your art work and I love to see how your skill improves with each project.

Sports have provided many ways to recognize you. You have tried two new sports this year - volleyball and basketball. I admire your courage as you have entered into a new activity with new girls you’ve never met before. Your friendly personality has allowed you to make friends with your team mates quickly. You are an encourager, always praising your fellow players for their good skill. I love how you pay attention to your coaches and practice what they teach you. Your skill has improved in these sports with each practice and game. I am blown away by your energy during a game; you would rather be out playing, no matter how tired you get, instead of on the bench. Whether your team has won or lost, I am so proud of your effort.

Along these lines I am also proud of how quickly you picked up riding a bike. I hope you will always be willing to try new things.

I have found you to be very helpful in recent days; very often without being asked. Thank you! Gradually you are growing in the area of humility and accepting responsibility for your actions.

Ellie, it is a privilege to be your mom and teacher. I am proud of you for all these reasons. We have our moments of struggles, but I know that we will continue to overcome them as we both grow closer to Jesus and to one another. Great job this year, Honey! I love you!

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