Saturday, January 14, 2017

California History Lesson 7 (First Californians)

California History
The First Californians
Lesson 7


How did the first Californians arrive?
1) Land bridge during the Ice Age after the flood
2) By boats

Why did they come to the new continent?
1) For food
2) A warm place to live

How did they live?
1) They lived in tribes - a group of people who live in the same area and are related to each other
2)They lived a simple life
3) God created the land to provide natural resources to help them live
4) How they lived depended on where they were located
5) Discuss what each of the four regions would have provided for the tribes living there.
What did they believe?
All of the tribes had some kind of belief in a supreme being they called the Great Spirit. They also believed in other spirits. The Native Americans believed they needed to do everything they could to keep the spirits friendly. As Christians, we know that we do not have to earn our salvation. We are saved by grace (Ephesians 2:5). When we have accepted the gift of salvation, we obey God to show that we love Him and that our lives have been changed by Him (John 14:23;James 2:20)

Each tribal family also believed that the creation of the world took place at a spot near them and that they were in the center of it. We know from the book of Genesis that God created the world and everything in it and that everything was created for His glory (Psalm 19:1)

They also believed in life after death. They thought that good people would go to a happy land beyond the water, where there would be plenty of food, and where they would eat, sleep and dance. We know that the only way to heaven is through Jesus (John 14:6)

Begin a yarn weaving



Books related to this topic:
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell

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