Saturday, January 14, 2017

California History Lesson 1 (Geography)

California History
Geography of California
Lesson 1

Part One A: Where in the world is California?

World Overview:
Students will create a booklet:

In the solar system - planet Earth

On planet Earth - the continent of North America
California Geography p. 15

In North America  - the country of the United States
California Geography p. 17

In the United States - the state of California
California Geography p. 17

In California - the county of San Bernardino, Riverside, Los Angeles or Orange County


Part Two: California’s Borders
Students will color the following on the map provided from California Geography, p. 44

  1. Color the states that border California green
  2. Locate the country to the south of California. Color it brown
  3. Locate the country to the north of the United States. Color it purple or red
  4. The Pacific Ocean is on California’s west coast. Color it blue
  5. California’s nickname is “The Golden State”. Color it gold or orange
  6. Choose a different color to use on the rest of the states.

1) Booklet showing where California is and where we are in California
2) California Geography, pp. 44-45, "California’s Boundaries and Borders"
3) Dot-to-Dot of California
4) (Word search) California Geography "California - Geography, Review Activity", p. 54

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