Saturday, January 14, 2017

California History Lesson 13 (European Explorers)

California History
Lesson 13

Ferdinand Magellan

He believed he could find a passageway for ships through South America. He was sent out by the king of Spain. He searched the coast of South America until he came to its tip. Here he found a dangerous, narrow waterway that he named the Strait of Magellan. It was three hundred sixty miles long and full of rocky islands. There were many storms through the strait. When Magellan came out of the strait, the ocean was so peaceful and quiet that Magellan named it the Pacific Ocean. Pacific means peaceful. Magellan kept going until he reached the Philippine Islands which are not far from China. He had made it to Asia by traveling west. He died there; but another captain, Juan Sebastian de Elcano, continued sailing west. After making it to the Spice Islands, he continued on and made it back to Spain. Later, the Panama Canal was built at the Strait. No one followed Magellan for many years, but when a few finally did risk the trip, they visited the Philippines as it was an important place to obtain trading ships like the Manila Galleons.
Date - 1519
Sent by - Spain
Sent to - find a shorter passageway through South America
Found - the Strait of Magellan, the Pacific Ocean, the Philippines by traveling west.


Francisco de Ulloa
Ulloa was under the command of Hernando Cortes in New Spain (Mexico). Cortes sent Ulloa to explore the island that he had found. Ulloa sailed up the coast of Mexico and found that Cortes’ island was really a peninsula. There was a story written by a Spanish author about an imaginary,  beautiful island called California where only women lived. This island was ruled by a queen named Califia. Soon after Ulloa’s visit, people began calling the peninsula California.

Date - 1539
Sent from - Spain
Sent to - explore Cortes’ island
Found - it was a peninsula connected to more land


Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo
Cabrillo was a Portuguese seaman who was sent by Spain to find a shorter passageway from Mexico to Asia and to look for treasure. The Spanish believed there was a waterway through North America. They called this the Strait of Anian. Cabrillo was the first white man to visit California. Cabrillo spent 7 ½ months traveling up the coast of California. Cabrillo first landed in present-day San Diego where he explored for several days. He came near to what is now Los Angeles harbor. It was very smoky from the Indian fires and they called it the Bay of Smokes. When coming around Point Conception, Cabrillo was forced out to sea and landed on San Miguel Island. Cabrillo broke his arm and later died of his injury due to infection. But his men set out and made it to Monterey Bay and then as far as San Francisco Bay. They had to turn back because so many were sick. This was an important expedition as it was the first time Europeans had visited California.

Date - 1542
Sent from - Spain
Sent to - find a shorter passageway from Mexico to Asia and to look for treasure
Found - and explored California’s coast


1) Make a foldable timeline with picture, map and info about each explorer

2) Make a Compass Rose

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