California History
Lesson 14
Francis Drake
Lesson 14
Francis Drake
Drake was an English pirate. He sailed on his ship, the Golden Hind, to capture Spanish ships and take their treasures. On June 17, 1579, Dake anchored on the coast of California to make repairs on his ship. He made friends with the Indians, exchanged gifts and smoked a peace pipe with them. He left a small plate claiming the land for Queen Elizabeth of England. The queen made him a knight and gave him the title of Sir Francis Drake. The plate was later found in 1934 and is on display at the University of California at Berkeley. Francis Drake was the first sailor to sail around the entire globe.
Date - 1579
Sent from - England
Sent to - rob Spanish ships
Found - claimed land for England
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Sebastian Vizcaino
Vizcaino sailed from Acapulco, Mexico up the coast of California. He visited many of the places Cabrillo had visited, renaming them as he went. San Diego, Santa Catalina Island, Santa Barbara, Point Conception, Monterey and Carmel of some of the names we can credit to Vizcaino. His most important discovery was Monterey Bay. He traveled for 11 months, mapping out the coast of California from San Diego to Monterey.
Date - 1602
Sent from - Spain
Sent to - find safe harbors in upper California and map the California coastline.
Found - He mapped the California coast
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1. Make a foldable timeline with picture, map and info about each explorer.
2. Make a map of the Old World and New World
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