Thursday, January 11, 2018

California History Lesson 16 (California Missions)

California History
California Missions
Lesson 16

1) Mini report on Mission Santa Barbara (Items underlined are for students to fill in.)

Name of Mission - Santa Barbara

Mission #10

Where is the mission located? - in Santa Barbara

When was the mission established? - December 4, 1786

Who founded the mission? - Father Fermin Lasuen

Who was the mission name for? - Saint Barbara, a legendary martyred church figure of the 3rd century

The building of the mission
What was the purpose of the mission? - Father Serra wanted three missions opposite the Santa Barbara Channel, with a presidio to protect them to close the gap between San Luis Obispo and San Gabriel.

How/why was the location selected? Lasuen chose a site with lots of water and a view of the valley, the sea and the channel islands

What materials were used? - the first buildings were made of logs, reeds and mud. Later buildings were made of adobe and covered with tile roofing.

What was the layout of the mission? - It was a traditional quadrangle

What kinds of buildings and features did the mission have? - dormitory, kitchen, storeroom, granary, tannery, pottery, warehouse, Indian huts, fountain, cemetery, water system

Were there any construction problems or difficulties or successes?  - The style of the mission is Greco-Roman. The mission was enlarged four times.

Life in the mission
What crops or plants were grown at the mission? - wheat, barley, corn, beans, peas, lentils, garbanzos, and habas; vineyards and fruit trees

What livestock or animals were raised? - cattle and sheep

What goods were made? - candles, adobe, tiles, shoes, woolen garments, soap, clothes

What was life like for the Indians at the mission?  - The Indians were taught farming, cattle and sheep raising, tanning and leather work, adobe making, stone-cutting, masonry, tile-making, soap-making, candle-making, and blacksmithing

Other facts about the Indians - The Santa Barbara Indians belonged to the Chumash tribe.

Were there any natural disasters at the mission? - an earthquake in 1812; nearly destroyed the church. An earthquake in 1925 caused damage. Cracks appeared in 1950.

Were there any raids at the mission? - The Indians revolted in 1824

What happened to the mission after secularization? - Indians could not live on their own. The church was given to the Catholic Church.

The mission today
Interesting fact about the mission today. - Parts of the water system are still in existence today

Interesting fact about the mission today. - Has the only twin bell towers in the mission chain

Interesting fact about the mission today. - Called the “Queen of the Missions”

Interesting fact about the mission today. - The mission today houses the seminary for the Franciscan priesthood

2) Create a picture of the Santa Barbara mission


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