Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Playing Hooky

"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." 
-Colossians 3:23

Does staying under the warm covers sound appealing to you this morning? Would you like to sleep in and then take a the day off from homeschooling to get caught up with all the housework? After all, chores would get done a lot faster with four pairs of little hands to help.

First Corinthians 15:58 says, "Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." As a homeschool mom, some days you just don't feel like having school. Being supermom lost its novelty a long time ago, and you would just like to have your house clean, organized and feeling like a "home" again instead of a cluttered schoolroom.

God calls us to obedience in all areas of our lives, including homeschooling. As much as you want to check off homeschooling on your list today, don't. Your children's future depends on your daily discipline of placing homeschooling as a priority. Dirt and clutter will always return, but not the opportunities to teach your children. God is waiting for you to get up and get going. Be steadfast and throw off those covers.

-Taken from Homeschool Mom's Bible; devotions by Janet Tatman; p. 1103

I was very focused on homeschooling in the early years, but definitely developed the desire to play hooky as time has gone on. I think that once in a while it is fine to take a break, but it is important not to get in the habit of trading school for play time. Since we set the example for our children, it's important that we model the importance of doing our best for God.

Call the Yellow Bus

"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." -Hebrews 10:35-36

Well, I guess you'd better quit. Just call the school and have them send the little yellow bus to pick up your kids tomorrow," I said sarcastically to my friend who was discouraged after a long week of homeschooling. These were certainly not the most encouraging words to say to a fellow homeschooler, but it was effective. Responding with a renewed commitment to homeschool, she sought the Lord's guidance and changed her curriculum to better fit her daughters' learning styles.

As homeschools, we've all been at the place of wanting to "throw in the towel." Satan provides numerous temptations and reasons for us to quit homeschooling our children. But God's Words says, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God" (Luke 9:62). We need to be steadfast and not give up when our children complain, other people slander and daily chores become too much. Looking back takes our eyes off the One who can lead us through a difficult time, and we simply need to ask God to make a way through the problems: "Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him" (Matthew 6:8). My friend still remembers that turning point in her homeschooling. Hopefully, you'll be gentler than I was as you encourage other homeschoolers. There is a reward waiting to be received for instructing our children at home - godly children and godly parents.

💮Jesus, my strength to homeschool is in you alone. Only your wisdom can help me teach our children what they need to learn. Provide the encouragement I need today, and help me hold fast to the promises you give in your Word. Amen.

-Taken from Homeschool Mom's Bible; devotions by Janet Tatman; p. 906

The beginning of high school has been a challenge. Both our daughter and I have felt overwhelmed and struggled a bit with getting a handle on things. Although we felt like "throwing in the towel," after seeking the Lord for help, we now have a plan for how to proceed for the second semester. We will "keep calm and homeschool on!"

Great Aspirations

"The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it." -1 Thessalonians 5:24

Have you ever wanted to do something great for God? You know, something great like being a gifted Bible teacher, a talented Christian singer or an inspirational evangelist? I did, but as a young mother living in a remote rural area with two small children and one on the way, I couldn't imagine how. I wanted my life to count for God, but for the most part, no one knew I even existed. Our single income left our family with one vehicle for my husband to get to work. I was isolated and made irregular trips into town for groceries, library books and church activities. Most of my days were consumed with simply homeschooling, cleaning house and caring for my family. "Not much opportunity to do great things for God," I thought to myself as I prepared for another homeschooling day after my morning devotions.

As the years went on and I studied the Scriptures more in-depth, I noticed an amazing fact. More often than not, God used the ordinary lives of men and women to accomplish His will. Mary, the mother of Jesus, was just an average, obedient teenager. Ruth, the great-grandmother of David, was a hardworking daughter-in-law, and Gideon, one of Israel's greatest judges, was the least in his father's house. Even several of the disciples were simple fishermen with humble beginnings. Like mine, all these lives were insignificant and obscure, but God used them in miraculous ways to do great things.

Are you wondering if your life would have more meaning if you gave up homeschooling to pursue something more worthy for the Lord? Don't let Satan deceive you with his lies. Although you may feel like your life is mundane and serving no great purpose, God is giving you the greatest opportunity to impact the world right where you are. As you faithfully homeschool your children, not only will their lives be forever changed by the truths of God's Word, but great things will happen as countless others may come to know the Lord through their future witness. "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that He may lift you up in due time." (1 Peter 5:6)

💮Father, only You can take the ordinary and make it extraordinary. Take my life and our homeschooling, and use them however they will give you the most glory. In Jesus' name, amen.

-Taken from Homeschool Mom's Bible; devotions by Janet Tatman; p. 855

I have felt at times like the author of this devotion. I love this reminder that homeschooling is indeed a valuable use of my time and gifts. It has kingdom value. I will "press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." -Philippians 3:14

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Hume Lake 2017

At Western Christian High School, every freshman and senior attends camp at Hume Lake. They went three weeks after school began. It was a bit unsettling for us as parents just because we didn't have very much information ahead of time - just dates, what to pack and when to be there to drop off and pick up. Bus and cabin assignments were random. Thankfully, our girl wasn't bothered by this.

Ellie had a great time at camp. She liked the food, participated in a number of activities, loved the worship band and walked away with some great nuggets of Truth from the speaker. We were glad part-time students were able to go and that she had enjoyed it so much.

While Ellie was at camp, Josh and I enjoyed some free time. We spent a day at Knott's together doing whatever he wanted. We missed Ellie, but I appreciated the break from volleyball and trips to the school.

Lancer Volleyball 2017

Volleyball for Western Christian High School began in July with summer league. The girls practiced twice a week and had a game once a week. There was a camp at Azusa Pacific in July, but it fell the same week as our church's VBS, so Ellie chose not to participate. It didn't hurt her chances for getting on the team, however. Try-outs were the first week of August and on the final day, the coach told her she had made the JV team and would be a starter. 

Ellie was a bit nervous about going out for volleyball due to her experience on the club team, but we encouraged her to give the summer a try. The first day she was not feeling great, but once the coach prayed, she said she felt peaceful and knew she'd be all right. From then on she was.

Ellie had a very good first season. She really liked her coach. Coach Paige challenged Ellie with new skills and Ellie continued to improve during the season. Ellie liked the girls on the team and enjoyed riding the bus and eating dinner with them. At the game against Dennis' school at ACA, she played her best game ever with some amazing blocks. It was the only game they won during league play. At the sport's banquet in November, Ellie earned the Most Improved Player award. We're super proud of her and look forward to seeing her continue to grow in this area. 

Beginning of the 2017-2018 School Year

This year we have a junior high student and a high school student. We began our homeschool studies in August. Ellie is a part time student at Western Christian High School this year. She began classes there in September. These pictures were from our first day of homeschooling. 


Josh was finding his work last year pretty easy, so this year I am challenging him a bit. For Bible he is studying the book of Proverbs with a study called Wise Up: Wisdom in Proverbs from Positive Action for Christ. We are using IEW for grammar and writing. His least favorite subject is Geography, although it started getting less difficult once he began learning about countries instead of just geography concepts. Josh is doing Pre-Algebra for math which is one of his favorite subjects. His second favorite subject is science and this year he is covering general science. Josh attends Friday school with our homeschool group where he takes art, science and P.E. He also did golf lessons during the fall. He's doing fabulous. 

Ellie has a very different schedule this year. At home she is doing Bob Jones English, Algebra with Monarch online and a Photography class with National Geographic's Great Courses. With our homeschool group she is taking an American Sign Language (ASL) class. At the high school she takes Bible and Speech. She made the JV volleyball team and was a starter playing middle blocker. Her schedule was pretty busy the first two months with practices and games after school. While she is doing fantastic with her classes outside of home, she has found keeping up with her homeschool work more challenging. I needed to work with her more and we've struggled with a regular routine. She'll be caught up by the end of Christmas break and then we'll work on a keeping up with things at home. I need to keep up with studying as well! Besides playing volleyball, Ellie enjoyed going to camp at Hume Lake in September and attending home football games with friends. She joined several clubs and attends a Bible study on Fridays at lunch. She also participated in the first Talent Night the school had. She really likes her two teachers and they are fond of her as well. She is planning to try out for the spring musical second semester. We really like WCHS and are finding it a great fit for Ellie and we're proud of Ellie for how well she is doing there.

Freshman Orientation in August had us ready for school to begin there.

First day of WCHS!

Freshman school picture

JV volleyball 2017