Monday, April 3, 2017

Fueling the Flame

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. -Psalm 51:12

Sadly, sometimes homeschool parents' passion for teaching their child begins to fade. The daily demands of caring for a household and the intense effort required in homeschooling drain even the most dedicated parent. When the homeschooling fire begins to die out, many may choose a halfhearted approach or adapt a martyr, make-it-through-the day mentality. Others may stop homeschooling altogether and send their child back into a traditional school setting. The wise homeschooling parent, however, will see the coals growing dim and find the fuel necessary to rekindle the flame of passion first given by God. But how does one go about finding that fuel?

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To reignite the vision of their child's education, the best thing worn-out homeschooling parents can do is ask the Holy Spirit to come and control their life anew. As parents deal with their own personal walk before the Lord, the time spent in self-examination and repentance will show areas in our character that need strengthening. Prideful attitudes are adjusted and total dependence on God's guidance is reestablished, allowing Him the right to reign over the entire homeschooling process. Most of all, the Holy Spirit is able to clearly reveal Satan's discouragement and remind us what was happening when the passion was last burning brightly.

Have trials and discouragement stolen your first love of homeschooling? "Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress. Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them." (1 Timothy 4:15-16).
The fiery conviction you once felt for your child's education will die if you don't find the right fuel source to keep it on fire. Stay faithful to the call God has given and let the Holy Spirit lead and strengthen you today. As you read your Bible, memorize God's Word and pray for the Holy Spirit's wisdom, you'll be amazed as God provides everything you need to keep the home fires burning.

-Taken from Homeschool Mom's Bible; devotions by Janet Tatman; p. 746

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