Monday, August 17, 2015

First Day of 2015-2016 School Year

I told a few friends on Sunday that ready or not, we were starting school today. It made me think of Stephen Curtis Chapman's song "Dive".  "Ready or not, I'm diving in.". . .

As I was getting ready to work on lesson plans, I decided to reorganize the order in which we do our subjects. We will start with Bible and then do math followed by a break. After the break we'll do our IEW work, spelling and history. Then it will be time for lunch. After lunch we'll do science and language. I figure this way my daughter can get her math out of the way earlier so she won't have to face it later when she's feeling tired and ready to quit for the day.

My goal is start school each day by 9 a.m. Today, Ellie was still sleeping at 8:30. It takes her a while to get up and moving, so we didn't start school until 9:45 a.m. I set IEW and spelling aside today. We can do these in four days, so we'll work on them through Friday instead of Thursday.

We are studying the book of Jonah first. Today the study focused on who God is and what He can do. We saw from Jonah 1:1-9 that God speaks to ordinary people. He is all-powerful and He rules over nature. God is Elohim, the Creator; He created everything!

Our memory verse for this week is Psalm 135:5-6:

For I know that the Lord is great and that our Lord is above all gods. Whatever the Lord pleases, He does, in heaven and in earth, in the seas and in all deeps. 

From these verses we see that the Lord is great; He is above all gods; and whatever the Lord pleases, He does.

We were then asked to write something that has happened in our lives or the life of another that shows "the Lord is great." We agreed that Dennis being healed of cancer was one. I also see how God always provides for our needs.

I really liked our Mystery of History lesson today. We learned about the battle for rule between the House of Lancaster and the House of York. They were finally united by Henry VII who then named his family the House of Tudor. It was also very interesting to learn about the Yeoman Warders or "beefeaters". They must serve in the English military for 22 years and reach the rank of senior officer; they live with their families at the Tower of London so they can be "on call"; they wear their red uniforms for special occasions, otherwise they were a navy one; and their name may have come from a French word for "food tester" or because they were well fed!

I know that studying anatomy and physiology is going to be very interesting. The first lesson is an introduction to the subject. Today we learned that the Egyptians had an early knowledge of anatomy and physiology as they mummified their dead. And we also saw that the many laws God gave the Hebrews regarding food, the washing of the body and clothing as well as what to do with people who had various skin diseases were actually for their physical protection from germs and the spreading of contagious disease. Those instructions given in Old Testament times were scientifically accurate and beneficial. "God is the original Scientist of the world."

Overall, it was a good first day. We followed our school day with a trip to the library and a stop at Trader Joe's for a few things. The kids were happy to come home and have some time to relax. We'll be waiting for our new washer to be delivered tomorrow and not going anywhere, so we'll tackle some chores then. We can't always do it all. . . At least that is what I keep reminding myself.

First day of 5th grade

First day of 7th grade

Our mascot for the day

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