Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Homeschooling Fight

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." -2 Timothy 4:7

Christian education is a spiritual battle that must be fought by every homeschooling parent. The desire to see our children raised according to the standards of God's Word requires more than wishful thinking. We must ever be alert to Satan's schemes and the world's ways that can suck our children into the mainstream of ungodly learning. We must be willing to risk popularity and acceptance to lead our children down an educational path that declares God is at the center of all things and the beginning of all creation. Most of all, we must declare our own love for Christ and be willing to crucify the flesh and its selfish desires to win our children's hearts to the Lord.

The great men and women of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11 are listed as our inspiration to hold fast to God's truths. Like Abraham, we must be willing to follow the Lord wherever He leads. Like Moses, we must be willing to give up the pleasures of life to serve a higher purpose. Like Rahab, we must have faith to believe what the Lord says is true. Like Noah, we must face opposition daily, even if it takes years to complete the task God has given. Like countless others who never saw the results of their faith, we must cling courageously to the future promise that God will bless the work of our hands in the lives of generations to come (see Psalms 112:2).

Are you feeling temptation to give up on homeschooling? Sending your children to school next fall may seem appealing, but if the Lord has led you to teach your children, pray for the courage and wisdom you need to stand firm and fight. Raising your children in the Lord is as much a spiritual battle as resisting temptations for yourself. Don't give in to the lies and harassment of those around you. Fight for the hearts and minds of your children and for the work God can do through their lives in winning countless souls to Christ.

-Taken from Homeschool Mom's Bible; devotions by Janet Tatman; p. 720

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Poor, Pitiful Me

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever." -Psalm 118:1

Standing in the basement doing laundry, I wondered, "How much of your life do you sacrifice before there's nothing more to give?" I was missing a beautiful summer day outside and feeling frustrated that there was so little time for the things I enjoyed. I dreamed of relaxing in the sun with an ice-cold glass of lemonade and a good book or riding my horse into the open pastures near our ranch. Homeschooling seemed to be consuming my entire life, and each day I felt a little more drained. If I wasn't teaching my children, I was cleaning their messes. Would there ever be time again for me?

Self-pity is a destructive force in a person's life because it fails to acknowledge God's goodness with a grateful heart. The Hebrew nation's constant grumbling is a prime example (see Psalm 106:25). For over 470 years, they cried out to God for a deliverer to rescue them from bondage in Egypt. Although God had proven Himself mighty with miracles and provisions, they failed to be thankful for His loving hand of protection.

If the demands of homeschooling have got you down, stop your personal pity party and think again about what the Lord has done. Yes, your days might be busy, but God has blessed you with incredible opportunities to change the world through your children's lives. Let praise and thankfulness replace your "poor me's," and watch as God blesses your faithfulness in serving Him as a homeschooling parent. "I will extol the Lord at all times; His praise will always be on my lips" (Psalm 34:1).

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-Taken from Homeschool Mom's Bible; devotions by Janet Tatman; p. 709

Homeschooling is for a season. For that season, we are making the choice to set aside our own desires in order to meet the needs of our children. Discipling and educating them is a great responsibility and deserves our greatest commitment and diligence. It isn't easy. It is work. It is sacrifice. But. it. is. worth. it! 

As with all things that are challenging, we must take "every thought captive" (2 Corinthians 10:5) and choose to replace grumbling with gratitude. The final blessings will be rewarding for us personally and will please the Lord. 

Keep calm, homeschooling mom, and keep on!