Monday, February 29, 2016

On Discipline

Think Before Acting

A person with good sense is respected;
a treacherous person walks a rocky road.
Wise people think before they act;
fools don't and even brag about it.
-Proverbs 13:15-16

Living foolishly, carelessly and thoughtlessly has hard consequences. It is a bad way to live. Every child is going to make mistakes. They're going to leap before they look. But if the sympathetic side of you always wants to pad them from the bumps so they never experience the painful consequences of their choices, they gain nothing. In fact, since being careless is easier if they get away with it, it reinforces the weak side of them and trains them to say, "So what?" If most of their consequences are not "life threatening" and you do let them experience some painful results of their mistakes, the lessons will stick with them much longer.

Dare to Be Diligent

He who spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
-Proverbs 13:24

Discipline - "Training that develops self-control, character and orderliness." Biblical discipline is not just to punish; it is to train children - to mold and guide them from wrong, hurtful patterns so they can learn to make good choices for themselves. It takes discipline on our part. Kids need trainers, not enablers. They need a negative experience to break them from doing it again. Discipline must be careful and prayerful.

-From The One Year Wisdom for Women Devotional by Debbi Bryson; April 20 & 23; pp. 115, 118

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Second Quarter 2015-2016

The second quarter is short due to the Thanksgiving break and the fact that I end it before our Christmas break. However, we make up for it by having a longer third quarter.

This quarter we studied 2 Timothy in Bible. The theme was "Becoming God's Champion." Kay Arthur used an Olympic theme. Some of the key things the study focused on were who Paul was, the truths of the Gospel and the characteristics of a believer in Christ. We saw that Paul was suffering in prison for the gospel. But Paul did not worry about himself; he instead wrote to Timothy to encourage, instruct, warn and charge Timothy to fulfill the call God had on his life. We learned that the gospel was revealed through Christ and that believing in the gospel is the only way to have eternal life. As believers, we are now vessels of honor and we are to be careful about whom we spend time with; we are to pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace; and as we study God's word, it will equip us to do His work.

In history we learned some more about the Reformation through people such as Henry VIII and his many wives, Ivan the Terrible (or Awesome as his name really translates), a few of the first explorers to North America, William Tyndale - the Father of the English Bible, Mary Tudor - known as "Bloody Mary", Elizabeth I and Jeanne d'Albret - a strong Christian woman who brought reform to her small country. I enjoy history and especially seeing how the Christian faith grew and influenced so much of the growth of the nations.

Our study of the body has been quite informative. This quarter we covered a lesson on health and nutrition, the respiratory system, the work of the blood in our body as well as in our salvation and the cardiovascular system.
Math has gotten more challenging for our 7th grader. So far, I'm still able to help her. It's just hard to teach enthusiasm for a subject that isn't your favorite. It's more lessons in perseverance! In language Josh did a book study on the "The Trumpet of the Swan", which he enjoyed. Both kids continue to do well with our IEW curriculum and don't seem to mind writing. 

Our only field trip this quarter was to the San Diego Zoo. It was a very nice day spent with friends. We haven't been for some time, so we really enjoyed being back and seeing animals like the pandas, polar bears, elephants and gorillas.

Ellie finished up her volleyball season. She did very well and continues to grow in her skills. Josh finished up his golf lessons for the season as well. He also is growing as a player bit by bit.
Friday school continues to go well. I spoke in chapel in October just before Halloween, so shared the parable of the pumpkin. This story was written by Liz Curtis Higgs. Her story tells of a farmer who picks out a special pumpkin from his garden, scoops out the yucky insides to make room for his light to shine. In the same way, God's transforming love can fill our hearts with joy and light and others can see the love of Jesus in us.

In November Ellie turned 13. We surprised her with tickets to see Beauty and the Beast at the Pantages theater. She enjoyed the show very much. I suppose we could count this as a field trip as well!

The week of Thanksgiving we dog sat our niece and nephew's dog, Lucy. She was quite fun and took to Ellie.
Happy Birthday to our girl! We now have a teenager in our midst!

Both kids participated in the Christmas play at church. Josh was a window cleaner and Ellie a housekeeper at the Holy Day Inn. I was the director this year. Dennis helped with the kids' choir. It was a great opportunity for all of us to serve together.

Over our Christmas break we went to the Reagan Library to see the Christmas trees. They were all beautiful. The kids got to see some of their favorite exhibits from our previous visit as well. Another family field trip!

Homeschooling began to become a bit more challenging as this quarter drew to a close. There was an increasing lack of love for learning and a desire to get through things as quickly as possible. This meant doing the minimum amount of work required and giving up when things were challenging. It was very discouraging. This was on top of the daily discomfort I was feeling due to my skating fall. I was struggling to feel adequate as a mom and teacher. Needless to say, I was thankful when the quarter was over myself.

I am dedicated to homeschooling. I still believe it is what we are to be doing at this time. But I will be honest and say that it is not always easy. I still have doubts. Things don't always go as I planned. I fail. My kids fail. But we will continue to persevere.

I chose the word "Restoration" for the New Year. It was my hope we would all be refreshed over the break and be able to begin anew in January.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Volleyball 2015

We enjoyed another season of volleyball in the fall. This year we were God's Golden Eagles. Dennis was able to coach again. Our very good friends were able to be on our team which made it even more fun. We also had two girls on the team who attend our church and two sisters whom we've known since Ellie first played volleyball three years ago. And one of the moms grew up in the same neighborhood as me and graduated from the same high school. Her good friend lived right by us. Such a small world! It was a fun group of girls as you can see from the picture below!

Our girls played very well all season. Dennis got ideas for drills from the volleyball coach at school and we had him come and run one of our practices. One of the girls on the team played volleyball at school. Besides being a very good player, she was especially motivating to the team and was selected as our most Christlike player. 

In spite of our good playing, we ended up in third for the season. We had a chance for first or second, but just couldn't get the win we needed. At our last playoff game, we were playing a team who had not one even one set all season. Dennis asked the girls to serve over-hand for the first set to give the other team a chance as well as to practice this skill. The other team ended up winning the first game. The smiles on their faces and the confidence they had was beautiful to see. That confidence carried over to the second set, however, and we had to work for the win. We did win the third set which put us in the third place spot. 

We found out later that this decision on Dennis' part had a lasting impact on one of the players on the other team. Once of the girls had become very discouraged in her walk with the Lord. She asked God for a sign that He was still there. She wanted to win a game. After winning that first game, she recommitted her life to the Lord. The mom contacted the head of volleyball for the league to let her know what had happened and to ask her to tell Dennis thank you. Our volleyball head had heard what Dennis had done the day of the game and asked to give him a Christlike coach award. She shared the news about the player on the other team with us the night of the dinner. 

Dennis told the girls at our end of season party what had happened. Their act of kindness had made a big difference in someone's life. We decided to go roller skating for our end of season get together. It went well for a while, but then one of the girls fell and ended up fracturing her wrist. About the time we were ready to wrap it up, I fell also spraining my wrist and dislocating two bones in my tailbone. Sad to say, I'm done skating!

Not exactly the ending we'd hoped for; but a good season none-the-less. Until next year!